Successful completion of the Filaments4Fusion project

Project partners THEVA, Subra, Etch and IEE Slovak Academy of Sciences.

For the first time, filamentized HTS tape conductors could be continuously produced to lengths >400m without any loss of quality.
Filaments along the tapelength suppress currents across conductor. These generate AC losses in AC applications or unwanted shielding currents in solenoid coils. Filaments (striations) therefore improve performance for high-field magnets and with time-varying currents.
However, the production of such structures in a continuous process is not without its problems, as subsequent structuring can easily damage the thin conductor filaments.

With a new approach, in which the metal substrate is pre-structured, the industrial partners SUBRA (DK) and THEVA (GER) have succeeded for the first time in producing long filamentated HTS tapes with high quality. The electrical coupling between the filaments can also be subsequently adjusted as required using this approach.
Both partners are planning to transfer this development into a new tape product.

The project was funded as part of the European Eurostars program.